
Why would anyone kick their teammate for no reason? I agree that it can be used to troll tho.

I never said this idea should be realized, i just said it would be nice to be able kick bad teammates (afking teammates and hacking teammates) This game could use a vote kick system since the mods aren’t always online, but the devs are the one who can make the decision.

Surely there’ll be some reasons attached. It would be extremely easy to exploit. I doubt the devs want to risk the possibility of too many innocent people getting kicked off matches just for the possibility that of one the kickee is getting what he /she deserves.

Hacking has numerous reasonable solutions that many peoe in this community have proposed through out the years.

Ill give my two cents on solving the afk problem:
Before a match starts, make players verify their connectivity. Give some simple commands they have to do in replace of the pregame routine, basically. It could be simple drills that most websites already use(captchas, simple puzzles, etc.). Summon these throughout the match, convinently when someone’s dead. Failure to solve/attempt the captcha results in a kick. The higher ranked a person, the difficult their captcha. Newer players get the benefit of the doubt, I guess.

Fft is obviously a multilingual community, but capctchas are everywhere. Simple decoding is used throughout the internet, ectc etc. Everyone is probably used to it by now. Just in case someone e isn’t, kther players may guide their fellow players if they wish.

I spent 5 mind typing this, there may be typos/misunderstandings/ etc. I’ll be able to claritfy most things. This isn’t a new concept, so I reckon ppl will know / have some clue what im about

Before you guys waste too much time talking about this, or jump at each other’s throats : a such thing isn’t going to happen.

O well, what will u guys be doing to combat hacks; afmkrs?

Yeah, it would mostlikely be used to troll innocent players.

i didn’t bother reading all of this tbh, but what you’re saying is before players start a match they would have to do a capctacha to verify that they are not afking?

didn’t bother reading all of this tbh, but what you’re saying is before players start a match they would have to do a capctacha to verify that they are not afking

yea but it’s not happening so kinda pointless to talk about it now rght


WHAT IS DAT :open_mouth:

Add a vote kicking system

There is ur answer

(Might be a long post)

About the “Add a vote kicking system” like what one guy above said, It’s way too easy to exploit it but what about an Automatic Server / System Kick, in my opinion at least FFT should have some filter words script which players shouldn’t be allowed to use them in-game to hurt anyone… such as “veryrudeword1” , “veryrudeword2” etc this is how it should work, the feature has been coded randomly for it’s final decision in such a way that, a player who uses one of those words might be warned by the server and if not lucky enough the server might kick him/her without given warns (like i said, it should be random in punishing).

The Server is given a sort of three ways of punishment ie Kick , Mute and Warn… they’re randomized so Under the Kick command it entails or has a minimum of 5 seconds to a maximum of 30 seconds same should be done to the other types of punishment which should be done by the Server automatically.

About the filter words, continuous explanation
Player 1 uses a word “veryrudeword1” – The server immediately has to randomly picks any of the punishment types which would be given to that player so for instance, Player 1 may be lucky enough to receive only the “Warning” type of the punishment…

Meanwhile, Player 2 uses the same word but he got the different Punishment type, it could be “Kick” or “Mute” with a given randomized timer (like i said above, minimum 5 seconds and maximum 30 seconds)

In my opinion, it should appear in the Chatbox at the left corner like this

Server Action: Player (user-name) has been kicked (random) out from the Server, Reason: veryrudeword1 (Depends on what he/she said). Timer: 10 seconds. (random)
To be more visible in chat, the colors of it could be
Server Action = Red
Message = Red but the Player name only should be = White.

So, after he/she gets kicked out from server by the response from the SA (Server Action)… Thus, all players in that particular server (Dock 2 Europe) should see the Server Action to serve the other players as a warning from also using the same worlds or other filter-words / inappropriate words which an’t allowed to be used in-game to hurt any player/user.

I hope you understands what am trying to suggest…

  1. This same also could be done to the Hackers / Glitch, how? The Server action has to be coded such a way at least it can detect the hacks / glitchs by the player in that server… and like i said earlier, immediately it does that, the server randomly choose the punishment types ie Kick , Warn and Temporary Banned (the server action shouldn’t be allowed to perma-banned) if the player keeps on using the hack then players in that server have to use the Report feature in-game or take picture/Screen-shots and post them on the Forums like what they do in the Report thread for the Staffs/Devs to take care of it. Additional Note: The Temp Banned should have a set of dates/time/hours which would be given to the player ie
    24 hours ( a day) ,
    72 hours (three days) ,
    120 hours ( five days) and
    168 hours ( a week).

Optional: For the work of Moderators to have some usage, they should be able to either Turn On / Activated or Turn Off / Deactivate the Server Action… The command could be like /turnonserveraction (in short; /tosa).

And of course, all users should see it on the Chatbox no matter which server you’re on you have to see it when a moderator is turning it ON or OFF example

Server: Moderator (name) has activated (depends) the Server Action Commander (can change the name of it).
To be more visible in chat, the colors of it could be
Server = Red
Message = Red but the word Activated = Green.
For the opposite of it, the only changes of color would be
Deactivated = Red.

or vice-versa, everyone should see this so he/she would be aware of it

Thanks for reading, and sorry if you didn’t understand my point… remember, this is just a suggestion!!

PS I may have some mistakes with the grammar, just correct me if you see some.

Those are great ideas, but the devs will be better off patching the hacks then finding new ways to get rid of hackers that keep coming back, with the filter i agree, too much shit talking is unbearable and annoying, but a player can always use the /mute Command. a server that can give a player “time out” sound great, maybe 20 sec minimum 1 min maximum. Also mods should be able to ban, a temporary ban that would last around 1-5 mins.

If the devs implement the server action, i agree the mods should be able to toggle it.

The reason, i didn’t say this is because these Mods we have now, when they know you’re a hacker, they’ll always ban you whether you have change from hacking or not because in his mind, you’re a hacker to him… no matter what you say so with that reason, i think putting it under for the Server Action is great since it’ll be 99% fair for everyone because of it being random.

A clearly good example is like what @mrocking was saying yesterday, he doesn’t know who Teleklos is but yet he says he’s hacker so with such idea, imagine if he was a Mod, he will always ban you no matter what you say :wink:

1 Like

Good point. Mod are usually unfair too ex-hackers.


@Gjipie in general ideas are not bad, but we already discussed about it and why it should fail. Ur example ‘veryrudeword1’ is easy to engage as any other insult. Who wants to use these words and pass with it he would simple type ‘vewyrudeword1’, ‘verirudeword1’ etc, many possibilities.

Second thing why vote system would fail is that some players would do fake reports, they reported me bunch of the times for hacking just because I killed them. And probably there are many more players who would end up with this. Being kicked, being reported, at the end might even banned. So it would be too much wasted time on creating something that would fail sooner or later and something what would be abused for trolling as well.

Also, about hacking part, third party hacks (99% of hacks in game now) won’t exist. U don’t really have to be genious to download some stupid hack and turn it off and on.

Every other game that i know hackers get instantly perma banned, no matter did they pay for the game or game is free to play.

Also, talking about it, @Gjipie , ill quote what u told me few months ago.
Me: Why are u hacking?
You: I’m bored.

U hacked over half year, reported over 10 times and if u ask me, for ppl like that u shouldn’t be able to play ever again from the same PC/internet. So tell me again, who is unfair now?

@Gjipie @deaaa0803 dont use/quote “F” words even in the examples,Gjipie dont force me to ban you again.

I love drinking milk.

I promised I will be a good boy this year, because I really don’t want to get banned.

Lmfao :joy:, i think that counts as abusing powers tho.

Not really. Warned him 3 times before in private to watch a bit what he writes on the forum.

Y8 Games