Sci-fi FPS Game Idea

I think Y8 should have a single player sci-fi first person shooter game like Halo.

This new game could have a large variety of weapons and you should have the ability to take a weapon from a dead enemy. You should also be able to only carry 2 weapons.

This game should also be fairly long, (maybe an hour or 2) and it should have a good story, and feature some sort of cinematic opening and ending.

BTW if you don’t know what Halo is, you should look it up :stuck_out_tongue: .

Here are some ideas on how it should look. (all of these are taken from Halo)

Maybe the the enemies could look like him. /\

Thank you for taking the time to read this and please reply :wink: .

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If the idea is scaled down on the graphics and complexity side, it might be possible to do well for a web game. I like the idea of a single player FPS game that has a strong focus on storytelling.

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Dude, I was just using Halo as an example for a new game idea. Calm down.

dua ta luaj kt loj

cms02 is good just calm down.:slight_smile:

Y8 Games