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[no rank] BOMBRDERO hacking (spawn killing)

MSg. dunyaDeceives hacking
a busy Sunday

Cpt. berat1231231 hacking

Cpl. YorneiGamer12 hacking

MSg. XxMasterxX hacking

SgM. cazador. hacking

[rank ?] pablotumachO admitting to hack (+ was really hacking)

[rank ?] ManiKiller asking for account

I wish I could smack people who ask for accounts right in the faceā€¦like for fkn real,Oh how much it disgusts meā€¦I could write a poem on how much i want to smack them tbhā€¦Iā€™ll try making one smh,see how it turns out.

Itā€™s even better when they ask me. Or to buy them a skin. Dude, like, literally begging someone for moneyā€¦

Ifkr,I get asked frequently tooā€¦Its pathetic,I mean sure youā€™d like to own a skin yourselfā€¦But get it yourself ffs.

I didnā€™t buy any game until I was able to do so. On FFT spent 20$ in total. If someone wants to gift me anything, ok, but to beg pplā€¦Didnā€™t do that as 5 yo, as 12 yo, I wonā€™t do that as 22 yo for sure. Thats not even age thing, it shows how some are greedy and rude af. Asking random person for money, jeezā€¦

Edit: And this happend a lot before I was a mod, so itā€™s not like I can gift free skins around. I donā€™t have that in tools lol.

I just want to say thank you to the people who continue to report everyday and Iā€™m saying this as a regular player, not a mod. I know itā€™s easy to get discouraged with constant hackers, hell even I did. But some of you still are reporting everyday. I wonā€™t name anyone because I donā€™t want to forget people but thanks. Hopefully when they fully port the whole game to webgl and not webplayer the game will be at least decent or somewhat enjoyable again. The players who have been here and played through this hacking era deserve a hacker free game for once. Even as a mod I got tired of dealing with hackers in-game and it drains your energy trying to play a game you love. Weā€™ve banned over 1,000 hacker accounts and they still havenā€™t slowed down.

Sorry for ranting but I wanted to write something to show some appreciation in some way to people like Jazzy, hawk, soul, invis, mah, and everyone else who report everyday.





I couldnā€™t take a screenshot of matias1618 , he hacked, add him to the hackers list please


pablotumachO he admits to hacking


I confirm for matias1618. He was hacking this morning, but I havenā€™t been able to record him.

1 Like

Monday morning run:

Cpt. ficagna hacking

MSg. alessus hacking

MSg. bLaZeR51 hacking

MSg. ernestosarria123 hacking

Sgt. kingofgames12345 hacking

i suggest u to download photoscape, paint is bad.

Lft. iMnOtHeReBrO (and he was really hacking)

No proof, so please confirm:

  • MSg. benjamin963

  • Cpt. eliad

  • Sgt. DavidYT

Y8 Games