Report Players!

I can confirm

wretched worker




Reversekill and NovaldoP and JoaoAugustoV
Account sharing

Tank2016 was hacking …

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If this player has a low rank then its not the original Tank2016 the one who got banned, ive seen that player hacking with the name Tank2016 and TANK2016

<img src="/uploads/default/original/2X/4/4e60972243b95387cd8986680ea72986b1bd7bf7.png" width=“270” heigh
DavidYT hacking AR

i confirm him :slight_smile:

This lft is hacking tank he enters the enemies’ base and kills them

Hacker -----------------> Cpt. ME You
Hacker ---------------> SgM . killer

Thanks for the report guys!
Hopefully soon I’ll kick only jazzy for drinking too much, without scrub hackers.


I’m working hard to find a solution around my looming alcoholism. Lately, I stopped drinking perfume, and I’m on cheap wine now, as you know.

Save the happy drunktards! These overly friendly lads make FFT more lively.

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I confirm about Lft.iMnOtHeReBrO

They can’t ban guest accounts.

I reported him to show you that they started to hack with guest accounts

They are hacking with guest accs 1 year.

Guys I need help,
this guys is hacking and killing the team constantly. But he hacked the game and changed his name to mine. He’s trying to get me banned. I’m Mar Scarletprince he hacked to be cpl. Scarletprince.

Y8 Games