
So you want to buff BR damage and rate of fire?
It’s one of our option too.

i totally agree with you, playing with bots gets extremely boring…

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Just because u played with @Jeremie , doesn’t mean everyone of us are bots.:grin:


Got rekt by bots on tutorial??


Yeah it should definately say get over here lol.
It would be hours of fun dragging someone accross a level from miles away, down the whole length of SS would be more satisfying than a triple t-bagging although it would be very hard to land with slow travel and bullet drop.

Why don’t you just go to hell, and leave me alone, Mrs smart ass.


Don’t troll Rja,he thinks that u are serious :joy:

Tbh idrc, you should hold beta-tests before implementing anything serious tho

Add a overall K/D and Win/loss ratio which appears when you click on someone’s name in the scoreboard.
Not a KD in one match, all the kills and deaths since you started playing.

I wish we all have acc with data.
Like total matches, wins, loses, kills, deaths, healing done etc.

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assists, capture time, damage, service record/class

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When a hero is stunned, make him dab when lowering xD

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Thats a great idea! you and this guy[quote=“BouncingMagikarp_YT, post:768, topic:2062, full:true”]
I would overall suggest a online multiplayer mode
should work together, you would make some great ideas.

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Fix the requisition:
Cuz It cancels deployment when:
1.) You switched weapons
2.) You move too far

should work together, you would make some great ideas.
Yea No Sarcasm ^

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it deploys too slow. Or sometimes u get a sound its deployed but it didnt appear on the ground xD

No. F*ck, no.

@mrocking LMFAOOOOOO

@Buttersolace That would be funny af though.

yeea that would be sick af tho bro lmaoooooo frfr :joy::joy::clap::clap::clap:

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I’d be funnier if whenever someone died a clip would show up and make fun of them. That would be a great way to piss of someone even more.


I hate the requisition in-game mechanic with a deep passion. Will work on it as soon as i get a chance. Feeback and suggestions about a change for better game experience are welcome here.

Y8 Games