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I like how this kid^ keeps refusing that he dosen’t hack…


Lol approved

Do u guys want to play against me


G2.musaserin599 too

may i ask which recorder u used? xD

Windows 10 integrated recorder

O its so smooth. Thanks :blush:

Bahaha above everything :joy::joy: the recorder ofc :joy::joy:

Admin sniper hacking inside our base

ultrakillcz hacking Ar

yea Admin and ultra was hacking i confrim

Asking accounts,
that too a dude on an alt whose main accounts a g5.

Here’s my password if anyone wants it :smiley:

I had fun taking screenshots of this lolol

Thank you Storm for making this as funny as it is :joy:


i confirm that

ultrakillcz - Hacking

xDNO - Hacking


player : Sd34f was using hacked scout, assassin and bomber, no screen shots. But, then he added racial slurs all over the chat. please ban him.

Y8 Games