Probloms with switching heroes and heroes skills

we all know that switching heroes is fun and helping you to know if you want to make him your default or not
but i have been trying to switching in matches but it doesn’t work(some times)
and they do if this happened,the game dont change the hero just this it will make you the same hero like you cant choose
and something i realiezd that some heroes the f bomb doesn’t work or like doesn’t effect like gunner haze bomb i dont have all heroes so to now i know that gunner f-bomb doesn’t effect so hope you fix it
and quick thing i want to say you need to fix scout health problom cuz he dies so fast and that’s it

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Some heroes need to be killed by opponent…like on TA…

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i didnt know

In Arena u need to die to switch hero in ur respawn time.
Scouts hp is not a problem at all. He is fast and dps, not a heavy.
Gunner doesn’t have Haze bomb, he has Shatter bomb.

in shuttle bay when i first the game i dont go to join server
for example before i join a server i change to scout but when i join the server he gives me gunner but when i try to switch to scout again he gives gunner again

That’s a bug,maybe…it should be fix

I’ll take a look into these issues today and see can I confirm it.

Y8 Games