Organize Tournament

I’m pretty sure there is no lack of hackers needed to make a tournament.

Lol, they can easily make tournament :joy:

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bahaha ikr.

That’s not what I meant but ok

I like the number of “shotforms” you posted in a single comment.

ik thats not what you meant,I just thought I’d make a joke out of it.

I agree with everything you said,
although it is possible for us to start clans/guilds ourselves.
It may not be official but heck we can have fun with it.
Few of the mods could be the clan “leader”,I wouldn’t mind participating either.
By looking at you’re leadership skills or so you’re modship skills tell me you have a good potential to start one and make it work.
Nox can help you with the planning,even I could.I wouldn’t mind sticking out to help anyone with issues or those In need of help.

Private rooms are possible too,just like how we got “Tiny dock” added to our map list.
About 2 of those are enough.
Each map holding 3 players from each guild,each room specified to a certain class.
Making it balanced.

I can’t say everyone would be willing to but I’d give out a small list considering the most active players I usually see in the game :slight_smile:

  1. You (leader)
  2. Me,(maybe)
  3. Nox (leader)
  4. Indego,
  5. Sehal,
  6. Mahendra,
  7. Storm,
  8. 2Hawkeye,
  9. Butter,
  10. Tigrantius (Since he was the one who started this thread).

I can come up with more.But I’ve the limit lol.

Whats your in-game, btw?


it wasn’t just a forum clan

It kinda of was a forum clan,It didn’t last long enough to even be considered as a proper clan :/.
Or maybe it could’ve,but everyone lost control so…

finally caught this idiot

Wew nice find!
Please,post that on the “Report Players” thread so it gets more recognition.

oops hahahaha

Not guilds like that. There is no point since u can’t group up with ur team and play vs other teams/guilds.
Plus how it naturally goes, probably would end up having 2 active guilds with most op FFT players (which is alright, but it would be only fair do to matches with guilds on their lvl)

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Considering the level of the players we’re actually playing with during the tournament,I’d say its quite fair.
Another option would be,
Ranking players on bases of their skill? (Discrimination kinda).
Gen 2+ - Play in one room,with the class the tournament is held on.
Maj - Gen1 - Another room,with the class the tournament is held on.
Considering we’re “organizing” tournament.
We can organize them of the bases of ranks.

Pro tournaments : Col + ?
Amateur tournaments - lft+ ?
Novice tournaments - Msg + ?

Could work out this way.
Gimme you’re feedback :smiley:

And then u would see old players creating new accs and playing/winning against team where they are not supposed to be.

Player should achive something first to do tournament. Cpt,Maj,Col. G1,G2,G3. G4,G5,Mar.

And i said about clans/guilds,not Tournaments.

It shouldn’t be that hard to recognize an old player.
Plus,if we’re holding a tournament/clan/guilds.
The tournament would have “English” as its language to converse in.
Meaning if a player doesn’t speak english he/she would not be suitable to participate.
And on the bases of Clans/Guilds.
Clans/Guilds would have leaders based on the language they use while in a conversation.
The player who wants to join the Clan/Guilds would give the “Leader” a sort of “Bio-Data”.
For example - The “Bio-Data” would have the number years the player has been playing for,Name of his main account,What he specializes In and so on.
Suppose you’re the leader of you’re own Clan/Guilds if you are able to speak more than one language,Mainly english and you’re mother tounge,meaning you would be able to recruit players of those languages.
Made sense? Hope this did :joy:

Y8 Games