New Hero for FFT ( Support)

Well as you guys must have read in another thread FFT sometimes gets boring when you just maxed out everything tho. I just want like updates its been 1 year with no updates and I really wish for the new MEDAL SYSTEM to come . I would like to suggest to add a new hero ( Could be support hero) that gives you stamina . like for a gun it would be STAMINA GIVER or STAMINA BEAM … when you give stamina to a guy and it reaches 100% there must be like HYPER STAMINA like the tech has. HYPER STAMINA could give a lot of speed when moving. Aint It cool?

U have suggestions for that :stuck_out_tongue:

Post suggestions here

FFT recently has transferred ownership from Freerangegames to The old developers were not working on FFT so in result we had no updates for about a year. The new developers are working on the game. Of course everyone wants new classes, but you have to understand that they have to fix the technical issues first such as glitches and balancing. Their current project is Webgl and they have been working hard on that for a few months now.

As for your suggestion about a new support hero and medal system, you can always elaborate on that here in our suggestions thread.

Anybody else want to explain to him that creating this topic was unnecessary?

He’s new, he didn’t know. Well new to the forum at least.

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I meant it in a sarcastic way.

Seems like @jazzydaddy888 not only one talking to themselves. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I just pointed it out, wasn’t referring it as a 3rd person reference.

I know dude, chill. Its a new year, be happy. :smile:

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I am calm lel, Happy new year! :slight_smile:

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This thread has been successfully answered above… i don’t see why it’s still not locked yet

For once I agree with you.

So what does this gun do wile it’s moving to 100% i.e. when you fire the gun at a friend it gives small speed boost or foe it will slow them down, wile doing damage. So what would it do @mrocking ?

Please move it to suggestions. Thank you.

Y8 Games