I went from G1 to Marshall in Less than 2 hours Today

Hello, this is my first post here so I’m quite a forum noob. However I want to report a bug. I was on a certain Server in which no one could move, and the game would never start. However, Every second there our money and experience gained by 2K every few seconds. However, it was going back to our original status and then would fluctuate back. I tested this since I thought the money and XP was fake. I bought. all the classes and upgraded my gunner fully. I was surprised that everything stayed the same. I got kicked from the match and refreshed my page. I figured out every time I refreshed the page My XP and cash would go up. I would try to get the glitch out, but after I awhile I became a marshal. A person told me that Basically everyone became a G5 or marshall that day. I was skilled enough so nobody would question my rank, but I just wanted to post here to alert everyone so not random PFT becomes a Marshall. My Name is scarlet prince btw.

you can report bugs like these at the “report bugs” topic https://forum.id.net/t/report-bugs/2061/78

Y8 Games