Hero Balance

I disagree sorry, a player should be able to play whatever here they damn well please. To put it mildly.

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The idea crossed my mind actually, but i think players love their freedom here. A better solution will be to work on the support spam and to actually tweak some of the most annoying classes.

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that guy is right

basically, he wants the developers to leave tank and blaster as they are and buff heavily all other classes

Nope, heavy classes should be less mobile.

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Make the healing and shielding of each support class have diminishing returns.
IMO you cant start out by changing every class you have to start with the two big ones, give it a month or two then go to the next two that have problems that youve seen in that month or two.
Also the free hero rotation system should be changed in the classes it gives for free, you rarely see the 2nd gen classes free other than shocker yet you always see tank free for the most part. This has lead to the tank main infestation if you will.

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its okay and true xx[quote=“UM_a, post:1, topic:2090, full:true”]
Balance is the core of the game, let’s try to make it work.

A thread is needed for a topic like this one, not easy to get through.

You just posted in it.

i would like to say -------------------> Blaster is -------------> overpowered(Fixit).

Instead, I think we should give blaster a shield that lasts about 15 seconds. What do you think?

Then give him hazebomb also… and what about tank ? what do you think about him ?

cloaked ability for tanks would be awesome right?

Lol sneak behind gunner and invisible mauler slam.

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We can give blaster kamehamea while we’re at it.

@mahendra What about give him a blaze bomb…

@Sehal i would rather prefer haze too op :stuck_out_tongue:

But blaster is own that alrdy :stuck_out_tongue: @mahendra

when was this topic made? when i set to watching, a lot of replies came

sep 2016

Here’s what I remember/noticed about playing…

The blaster, my main class, sort of makes you feel invincible, unless there is a stronger blaster in the area, or unless you’re trying out some experimental techniques. It’s so easy to play a PL without dying much while a blaster because of how much speed you can get up, and because of the HRL.
So out of the gate I hold down slide and gather up speed while shooting rockets, chances are these will kill anyone directly in front of me by the time I reach the capture point. Then I battle the next 1 to 2 enemies before ducking down a hall. Out of the hall, you can jump/press jet boost to send you to the other lane, where you can land a surprise attack on the point defender.
Lets say an assassin attacks you, if the screen goes black and white, you immediately switch lanes, gathering speed and waiting for it to where off. Once you spot the assassin, giving chase isn’t hard, even while it turns invisible, landing hits with the mini gun gives away it’s location, so in essence, you can actually hunt assassins, and insta-kill them with your grenade once close enough. When meeting another blaster, chances are you both have your shield buff on, but this only really helps in this particular instance, as the one without it on will likely be defeated. Although this also helps for walking into an enemy aegis, and killing it point blank.
To kill a scout, after landing a few hits with the mini gun, and jetting up in the air, it’s easy to insta-kill it, when you practically land on the player and use your grenades. Doing a little damage to you, but killing your enemy. Often times, leaving them wondering WTF just happened.

In high ceiling’s rooms, you can infinitely stay in the air, hunting bombers and dropping grenades like death rain. Just looking up and pressing E at the appropriate time, makes you just about as mobile as bomber.

Although, it really didn’t stand up well under sniper fire…that’s something that blasters can’t handle well.

Do I like that sort of OP class? Yes, and I will miss it if I play this game again…because of how hard it pwned. But I seriously think it needs to be toned down.

When playing as gunner, I feel a bit locked into two modes, hunt or squat. There’s no point trying to defend a point, as the other classes can easily kill you, esp if there’s multiple players.
I would say nerf the long range sniper riffle damage, but give it a better lock on, because for me at least, this wasn’t user friendly for a thumb mouse user.

Tanks… the shields are ridiculous to take down, even with blaster, but it is a tank after all. Just make them last a little less time, and maybe give them some sort of technical weaponry, because this class could be a little more interesting.

Assassin…as this class, you feel very vulnerable, even more than scout or shocker. The poison…does need to be nerfed, but give this class a little more armor, because a grenade can pretty much do you in if it hits.

Is a fun class, hanging from the ceiling from a shield, shooting bubbles and electrocuting people. This is probably one of the most fun characters to play, it’s challenging as well. I would think it best though, if you couldn’t drop an aegis right on top of another one, because it gets confusing as to which one you’re dangling from in the hanger, if you’re constantly refocusing to help any new team members nearby.
I am wondering though, why a mauler slam to the ground instantly disables the shield…that seems a little under powered.


This class is kinda nice, but the devices it sets up need to be fixed. You can basically set a turret on top of a base, and have it fire directly into the base while it sits on the roof. This isn’t really a hack or a glitch as far as I can tell, just a flaw in the coding.
I would also nerf the power of it’s gun, but at the same time make it fire faster, as it almost seems laggy.

The fire wheels on the ground, if they could track the nearest player, I think that would fix their uselessness. The long range gun only works to annoy people, it doesn’t really help win battles, as you’re fairly vulnerable while using it, so you stay a good distance away trying to hit moving targets with a tiny beam and no scope. Optics are cool. The stat buff, doesn’t last as long as it could, and it would be nice if it gave a better boost to those nearby. Flamethrower is a bit Op, but it’s range is really short. Not sure if this cancels out the other.

As far as sliding goes…it’s hard to say really. Either all characters have to have it, or none do, because you can’t effectively play as a counter class, if it cannot keep up with the class you just got killed by.

These are my observations/suggestions
The rest of the classes I’ve spent less time playing, and I won’t really comment on them.
I liked FFT the way it is enough to play as much as I did, but it could use some balancing.

Off topic:
Maybe make one more class, some sort of cross-bow shooter, that can warp a short distance towards the direction the crosshair is pointing as his E move.

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