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Old friend coming back.

Iā€™ve seen JoseD24 not long ago as well.

Whos dat? xD

He played each 4-5 months a day for 3 years at this point, I remember adding him long ago but I sadly forgot who he is. The only thing I actually remember is him being a gunner

Ahhh my boi Eternal.

Whatā€™s his rank?

Probably Gen1 by now, I added him when he was a lft/cpt I think. He has been playing since beta, if Iā€™m not mistaken

Yeah he started here in the late first generation. He played gunner a lot.

I was sure he was general, but he was only maj. (!)

He was a real nice friend. I remember he had a brother that was playing as well.

I also saw loopyX388 (not sure of the number) about 3 months ago; he was a pretty nice tech.

Maj? xD thats a lot of time invested in 4-5 years xD
checking just do not demote him by mistake

Lel itā€™s a huge mistake if you did itā€¦

I didnā€™t. Sehal, why do u post a random comments?

This comment made my day.

She always makes my day.

The half of what you said is true

Game wasnā€™t ruined by companies, it was ruined by players. Every single glitch, bug, hack w/e. Yeah, they was supposed to fix it eventually, but players ruined it by abusing every single thing that game had.
Old players cry about support or heavy spam, yet they play that same spam against team full of newbies.
Opening alts to call ppl idiots.
Playing ā€˜hide and seekā€™ with mods, like we donā€™t know or canā€™t know who u actually are.

If u ask me, this game is full of ridicilous things and for many no one canā€™t blame hackers.


Even she always makes our dayā€‹:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

Canā€™t agree more. Weā€™re part of the problem.

Edit: I think that pros have the responsibility and moral obligation to apply an appropriate force, ie if you are winning easily and have no competition, thereā€™s no need to play a heavy class or shocker. The problem is, thereā€™s often a pro that logs in and you have to counter him. And it canā€™t be done without collateral damage (new players being unfairly crushed by your mauler, for example).

About the old players that cry about heavies and supports, but actually play them, the problem is also that

  • You play tech: everyone complains that you spam support (even if youā€™re the only support of your team)
  • You play shocker: no need to explain
  • You play heavy: no need to explain
  • You decide to play assassin: It was ok in 2013/14, but now itā€™s op, maybe because a lot of players know how to play them properly.
  • You play scout: youā€™re just a double slasher or a haze spammer
  • You play commando: everyone tells you Q and butt-stroke are op

So, youā€™re stuck with blazer (new players find them op, and I think theyā€™re indeed very effective in SB), bomber (1 per team is enough; I donā€™t play it often because i find the F a bit cheap + I donā€™t die enough) and gunner (bomb is op).

Soā€¦ If you want to be fair to everyone, new players and pros alike, which class should you play? As an old player that keeps complaining about everyhing, I have to know :smiley: . I played gunner for 2 years straight, but got bored lately.

Hereā€™s another problem: Itā€™s as if you arenā€™t free to play what you want.

Example: Two weeks ago, I decided to play Blaster. In less than 5 mins an alt (he was a pretty decent blazer) was already insulting me for playing it, calling me noob, hypocrite (I had told him I very rarely played it) etc. Across all my accounts, I have a whooping amount of 3545 kills with Blaster, ie bit below 1.4% of my total kills.

Honestly, I donā€™t know what to play :anguished:

Honestly support/heavy spammers annoy me a lot. Theyā€™re even a couple of people I know who constantly do this and I hold back my rage so much because I know them. I never understood why people would just spam 3 shockers or even 3 tanks for no reason. I hate support/heavy spammers, blaster spammers, and Assassins. Assassin has always been a very cheap class to me. You go invisible, use a cheap combo that kills in .5 seconds, and run. Maybe thatā€™s the purpose of the class, but itā€™s still cheap.

Theyā€™re a lot of annoying things wrong in the game but support/heavy spammers are my main problem, especially shockers and blasters. Which is one of the reasons Iā€™m not playing too much now. Like Andrea said I find myself getting upset in real life playing with people like this and It should not be that way. So instead of getting mad and cursing up a storm at a game, Iā€™d rather rage quit and not play with these type of people.

I always found the best, most fun thing to do against noobs is challenge yourself with classes, so snipe only for gunner but while trying to run n gun with it. or sword only for scout without ds, which tbf i never use anyhow. assassin with blades only and no cloak or bomb etc.

I know Iā€™m Off topic, but here is a link to see the upcoming map for Hide Online if anyone is interested.


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