FFT New Map

Hello Guys,

As all of you already know that we have finished the Moonbase and its live,

Now its a time to create a new resource friendly map which can work like a charm in WebGL.

and we all are wondering what you guy would like to see in a new map, feel free to post whatever you have in mind regarding a new map of FFT :slight_smile:


This mars map would be nice


Thank you so much!!:smiley:

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I’ll try it and give my honest opinion later on today.


How about a mode modification as well?

The map could be a spinning worm hole, where the “shift slide” is permanently enabled when standing on the tube shaped map. Instead of advancing the payload by standing on it, each team would get a payload that they would have to stand on, in order for the worm holes gravity not to crumple it into nothingness, the surviving payload capture point would win.

Or, something like this > http://www.fpsprestige.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/Call-of-Duty-Black-Ops2-Apocalypse-Pod.jpg or similar. Some type of city map.

The best map in the game is shuttle bay for all around action, so you should probably copy that theme where it pushes everyone into the middle and the sides arent as needed. Make a map with good flow that pushes everyone together so theres constant action with level changes (as in lower part, middle, high etc like Shuttle bay and all the other maps)


Actually you need bigger maps like moon base as well so snipers can have a place in the game. Shuttle is the best map, but it’s also cluttered. Everyone is always in your face and you can never snipe without interruption.

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Can FFT fight on earth?

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Pictures from ilneutrino from kong forums in /144

It has aspects from all current maps.


It looks like TA tbh. Or maybe it is TA.

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Volcanic map with lavas please

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Or a map where there’s zero gravity

Yeah like a sun base or something.

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This map is good ! I would like to see this as a map ! I want also Deathmatch, not just TeamDeathmatch.

Add old tutorial level.
It was cool.
Dunno if certain classes would be op in it or not, since you only played as gunner.

I would suggest the inside of a transparent (see-through) sphere where you can walk 360 degrees. the gravity may be a bit wonky, but I think if you could get it working, it might be a smash-hit. To help visualize, it would look like walking around on the inside of a small planet made entirely out of glass panes, and maybe some metal. Gravity would constantly be moving to the outside of the sphere meaning that it would be different in every different spot. there might be some moving platforms with capture points and health packs, F Bombs, and Mega Damages on them!

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That sounds kinda weird.

I disagree. We have 3 huge maps and one small one. Imo Shuttle Bay is one of the best maps for sniping (nothing can beat Space Station). Even though you have people in your grill 24/7, it’s still a good map sniping, because it’s so easy to pick people out.

Never said it wasn’t a good sniping map.

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Then why do we need larger maps if you can make a smaller map that’s good for sniping? We already have 3 huge ones.

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