Discord chat

close enough.

I’m glad everyone is having fun lol! :slight_smile:


I like you.

:pensive: u are supposed to adore me

After all of this
pls be my bae


So there is an agoaj on discord. :smile_cat:

So far 31 members.

Yup it’s growing boii

Does this number include bots? Jw.

30 members and 6 bots.

your nickname should be changed to “adore me”

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Yes! :blush:

Don’t support her on this :weary:

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deaaa0803 adore me

Ankit agrees :yum:

Is the discord dead?

I am the discord
the discord is me

Discord is quite fun. I didn’t think so at first though.

It’s lit.

@Charlemane2 and @InvisibleKiller786 are trolls there. Please stay away from them :wink:

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its hard being the personality, but i do what i can to make all of their lives less miserable keepo

Almost choked irl

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